idioms and phrases verbality questions


Having sold off his factory, he is now a gentleman at large.
A.     Has no serious occupation
B.     Is living comfortably
C.     Is respected by everybody
D.     Is held in high esteem
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Answer: Option A


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Though he has lot of money, yet all his plans are built upon sand.
A.     established on insecure foundations    B.     based on inexperience
C.     resting on cheap material    D.     resting on immature ideas
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Answer: Option D


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His plan was so complicated that it floored his listeners.
A.     entertained    B.     puzzled
C.     annoyed    D.     encouraged
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Answer: Option B


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There has been bad blood between the two communities even before shouting.
A.     Impure blood    B.     Ill feeling
C.     Bloody fights    D.     Quarrels
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Answer: Option B


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The curious neighbours were disappointed as the young couple’s quarrel was just a storm in a tea cup.
A.     violent quarrel    B.     fuss about a trifle
C.     brittle situation    D.     quarrel about tea cups
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Answer: Option B


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Mohan always keeps himself to himself
A.     Is too busy    B.     Is selfish
C.     Is unsociable    D.     Does not take sides
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Answer: Option C


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While the ladies continued their small talk in the drawing room, I felt bored.
A.     whispering    B.     backbiting
C.     gossip    D.     light conversation
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Answer: Option D


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My car broke down on way to the railway station.
A.     stopped    B.     met with an accident
C.     ran out of petrol    D.     failed to work
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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My father strained every nerve to enable me to get settled in life.
A.     worked very hard    B.     spent a huge amount
C.     tried all tricks    D.     bribed several persons
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


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