idioms and phrases verbality questions


He is always picking holes in every project.
A.     creating problems in
B.     finding fault with
C.     suggesting improvement in
D.     asking irrelevant questions on
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Answer: Option B


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The die is cast and now let us hope for the best.
A.     project is over    B.     decision is made
C.     death is inevitable    D.     cloth has been dyed
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Answer: Option B


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Pt. Nehru was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
A.     born in a middle class family
B.     born in a wealthy family
C.     born in a royal family
D.     born in a family of nationalists
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Answer: Option B


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The arrival of the mother-in-law in the family proved a rift in the lute.
A.     caused unnecessary worries
B.     brought about disharmony
C.     caused a pleasant atmosphere
D.     brought about a disciplined atmosphere
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Answer: Option B


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The prince did not take after the king.
A.     run after    B.     follow
C.     precede    D.     resemble
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Answer: Option D


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Don’t lose patience, things will improve by and by
A.     soon    B.     finally
C.     gradually    D.     unexpectedly
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Answer: Option C


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Do not imagine that Dharmendra is really sorry that his wife died. Those are only crocodile tears.
A.     Pretended sorrow    B.     Tears a crocodile
C.     A weeping crocodile    D.     Mild regret
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Answer: Option A


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The P.M has pulled up Orissa partymen.
A.     elevated    B.     rewarded
C.     punished    D.     reprimanded
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Answer: Option D


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He did me a good turn by recommending me for the post of Vice Principal.
A.     returned my kindness    B.     did an act of kindness
C.     improved my prospects    D.     became suddenly good
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


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