idioms and phrases verbality questions


He believes in the policy of making hay while the sun shines.
A.     giving bribes to get his work done
B.     seeking advice from one and all
C.     helping those who help him
D.     making the best use of a favourable situation
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Answer: Option D


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His friends advised him to be fair and square in his dealings.
A.     Careful    B.     Considerate
C.     Polite    D.     Upright
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Answer: Option D


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It is high time that India did something about the population problem.
A.     already late    B.     appropriate time
C.     desired occasion    D.     auspicious moment
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Answer: Option A


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He is always standing up for the weak and oppressed.
A.     Boosting the claims of    B.     Championing the cause of
C.     Seeking help of others for    D.     Moving about with
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Answer: Option B


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We should give a wide berth to bad characters.
A.     give publicity to    B.     publicly condemn
C.     keep away from    D.     not sympathise with
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Answer: Option C


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Turban is in vogue in some communities.
A.     in fashion    B.     out of use
C.     vaguely used    D.     never used
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Answer: Option A


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The old man was cut to the quick when his rich son refused to recognise him.
A.     surprised    B.     hurt intensely
C.     annoyed    D.     irritated
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Answer: Option B


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I requested him to put in a word for me.
A.     introduce    B.     assist
C.     support    D.     recommend
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Answer: Option D


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The dacoit murdered the man in cold blood.
A.     coldly    B.     boldly
C.     ruthlessly    D.     deliberately
Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


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